Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Baaaaaa-ack!

1.My dear friend Karli here at Utah State has re-inspired me to get back into blogging.

2.After spending over 15 minutes on my hour bike ride checking out her blog on my fancy pantsy itouch I decided today's the day. Todays the day I start again. 

3. So I've attempted to add many new bloggers in this intra-net blogger world and I'm going to get back on top of this. 

4. I now realize that oh so many people have these blogs more than i ever realized did last year! One including my fabulous brother Braden.

5.I discovered my only comment on my blog was from him. And it was almost a year ago...and somehow today is my first day seeing this. 

6. But then again it's almost been a year since I started this whole blog intranet ordeal. I'd say I'm semi technologically savvy. Well I have a twitter for 3 years now. That's really the only thing that makes me feel technologically cool and ahead of my time.

7.Well I like to number things and make lists so get used to this format. Because I'm becoming a listography making blogger.

8. I'm still getting the hang of this blogging thing even though I've had it for a year. 

9. After completing my online quizzes and homework I decided to reward myself with working on updating my blog.

10. I wasn't even going to post I figured reformatting everything was enough for one night. But...well i just decided I've really got to come back into this world with a bang. So here's my BANG!

11. Side note I'm on a quest for a road bike no need to be new just a need to be cheap.

12. Well I have so much to update you on dear blog. But you'll have to wait for another day because I smell like chlorine and I need to shower before midnight. Thank you one and all for reading this...if you read this...

13. I want to be more like Karli and post pictures on my blog...but i've forgotten how to do that so that's an adventure for another day.

14. Oh also!!!! ha i just keep thinking of more things...It's my bff wif a * birthday eve eve eve eve eve eve! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY eve EVE eve EVE eve EVE JOCELYN BETHANY!


  1. Yay Brittany, I love it already! :) thank you for the shout out! I'm so glad we are now blog friends

  2. This is gonna be good I can tell.
