Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunshine & Summer Time

Reasons Why I Love Summer of 2010
1. I'm home in naperville with some of the people i love most
2. night runs. i rarely see the daylight when i run...and when i do it makes me run very slow
3. i rarely run alone. always someone to bike with me so i can talk to someone!
4. my runs have become my social life & time to catch up
5. althought i'm a working woman I'm making bank & still have time to enjoy life & summer
6. I'll be in hilton head with two of the biggest dorks (Shelby & Alex) I know and my third parents mama & papa pealer
7. Sleepovers wif jocelyn are a multiple week ordeal
8. chniggles with sam & logan at the troesters
9. hangin out with some of my bestest frands who are 17 & 21 in the same night age really dosen't matter anymore...but then again has it ever?
10. Spening my time with the people i really care most about not wasting my time going to lame parties
11. Long runs with my cross country girls...gosh i love them
12. Spending fathers day with my second family & second dad...and picking my real dad up from the airpot that night
13. Constant bike rides, pools time, & runs. i love being outside.
14. teaching samantha rothman how to make a cake...that isn't from a box
15. getting no sleep during the week & waking up at 8:15 & trying to catch up on the weekends...not quite working but it dosen't even matter. it's summer
16. eating delicous foood. ix ne on the healthy eating i was supposed to start a month ago....i'll start in another month
17. having heart to hearts with a 3 year old who probably has no idea what i'm saying
18. being in the same room as ellen degeneres during her "somewhat special special" love it!
19. going to visit alyssa at marquette! (welll this is going to be accomplished)
20. chicago runs & days at the beach (going to happen)
21. dunes. are the best. ice cream on teh way back (still to happen)

so much more to list but i must go work on my new clothing line. they are called B.A. Boxers. Rachel Irion was my first client. and let me telll that pair of boxers wiill be worth thousands sometime when my boxer line goes big! peace out girl scouts & boy scouts!

1 comment:

  1. What about reasons why the summer sucks?
    1. I'm not there
